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2022-02-17    [打印]    [收藏]

1. 学术简历(包括完整的论文列表);
2. 学术研究规划;
3. 三篇近期代表性论文全文;
4. 不少于3封推荐信(请举荐人直接将推荐信发送至bmehr@sustech.edu.cn,邮件主题以申请人姓名命名+高校教师人才网)。
Faculty Positions available in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology
The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), seeks outstanding applicants for full-time tenure-track/tenured faculty positions. Positions are available for both junior and senior-level applicants. Our current areas of focus are in mechanomedicine, biomedical/medical imaging, bioMEMS, regenerative medicine, wearable devices/wireless monitoring, and biomedical data science. We seek faculty members who can contribute to the excellence and diversity of our academic community. A globally competitive start-up package will be provided to successful candidates. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering or other relevant fields, demonstrated excellent research contributions, and teaching ability.
All applicants should submit the following documents to bmehr@sustech.edu.cn in a single (merged) PDF document: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) a Statement of Research and Teaching Interests, (3) up to three representative publications. In addition, please arrange 3 letters of reference sent directly to bmehr@sustech.edu.cn, with the applicant’s name as the subject.
About SUSTech
Established in April 2012 with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a public university established by the City of Shenzhen with the highest standard and positioned to become a world-class research university under the higher education reform and development initiative. Its mission is to play a pioneering and demonstrative role for China’s higher education, for the advancement of innovation in Shenzhen, as well as in China. In February 2022, SUSTech has been selected as a National “Double First-Class” university.
SUSTech models itself after world-class polytechnic universities in terms of the curriculum, and administration. In basic sciences, engineering and medicine, SUSTech has research programs and offers undergraduate, graduate (master and doctoral) programs. SUSTech aims to be source of new scientific knowledge and technologies.
SUSTech will carry forward its spirit of “advancing research, innovation, and entrepreneurship”, To lead higher education reform in China and serve as a testing ground for building excellent research universities through innovation.
About the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) of SUSTech
The Department of Biomedical Engineering was established in 2016, currently under the leadership of Chair Professor Xingyu Jiang. The department currently consists 40 core faculty members, with recipients of “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” and “Outstanding Young Scholars of National Science Foundation of China.”
Our main research areas include mechanomedicine, wearable health devices and the wireless monitoring, de novo regenerative engineering, multiscale/multimodal biomedical imaging, computational medicine for Big Data and health informatics, biomedical MEMS, and nanomedicine.
BME is currently in a phase of rapid development. It is able to provide each faculty with generous laboratory facilities and office space. Senior faculty members would provide vital mentorship in navigating a career as a new faculty. BME welcomes outstanding talents around the world to join us to create an innovative interdisciplinary research team. Leveraging the first-class scientific capabilities at SUSTech, together we will strive to build the BME into an internationally renowned research organization in biomedical engineering. 



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